How to backup DVR video record by USB flash disk?
2016-12-09 17:53:19
Here we will show you how to
backup DVR video record by USB flash disk for MVTEAM 5 in 1
1-Insert a USB flash disk to DVR USB port(pic 1).
pic 1
2-Enter DVR Main menu-->playback,click backup icon(pic 2)
will see the USB disk info(pic 3)
pic 2
pic 3
3-Click "backup" in pic 3,will see below pic 4, here you can
choose the back up video record type,channel and time. Then,click "start" will see pic 5,after backup finished,will show as pic 6.
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6
4-Copy the video records(pic 7) from USB flash disk to computer,the
records are .h264 format,so need use the record player to playback and
covert to .avi format.
pic 7
1)Install record player sofrware
the software can be download
2)After install,will see the icon ,double click to open the player,then drag a .h264
video record to the player interface start play.
Right click mouse on play interface,will see the "convert to
avi" option
Click "convert to AVI",choose the source .h264 file
and save path for .avi file
Then,click make AVI file,a .avi
format video record will be generated.
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