New P2P APP-VG Lite for MVTEAM Hybrid AHD DVR on Iphone/Ipad and Android Smart Phone
MVTEAM released a new P2P APP for Iphone/Ipad and Android,it is applied for Hybrid AHD DVR.
The app named VG Lite,you can download it from your App store or Android market freely .
1- New App VG Lite
*Free APP
*Can view 16CH at the same time in one screen
*Can search IP Automaticly
*Easy to record and playback
Compared to the QmEye, the advantage of VG Lite is it can view 16ch at the same time in one screen,
you can see here:
2-Then how to login in the VG Lite ?
Actually it is very easy to use the VG Lite by the P2P Cloud ID on the DVR.
So in future all MVTEAM Hybrid AHD DVR will be with this App for the Mobile View,
If now you are using the QmEye and also interested in the VG Lite,please contact
with us for upgrade your DVRs.